Mark Armstrong
Mark Armstrong founded the Ahimki Center for Wholeness, Inc. in 1995. The name "Ahimki" is the combination of the Sanskrit word ahimsa (harmlessness toward life) and ki (universal life force); his mission statement says it all:
"Ahimki" is a word which symbolizes our commitment to honor the sacredness of all life, and our respect for the vital force that flows through all living creatures. We seek to teach and heal, and thereby express our love for Mankind, the Earth, and the Infinite Universe."
Mark Armstrong has always believed that we must "grow our souls" and has been committed and driven to his own personal development and spiritual growth. Mark Armstrong's focus on education and training has resulted in meeting his goals in providing a “laser” approach to health and wellness.
Mark Armstrong has a strong belief in community holistic health education and has provided educational seminars to churches, colleges/universities, corporations, and small businesses. He has presented and lectured at three Whole Life Expo events in Georgia. Through the Ahimki Institute of Holistic Theology, the facility provides a naturopathic education program. In honor of Mark Armstrong's service to his clients and community, a proclamation was issued by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners proclaiming November 16, 2002 as "Ahimki Center for Wholeness Day."
Mark Armstrong has appeared on many radio and cable TV shows, such as WCLK, National Public Radio, and Dr. Tate's "Adventures in Good Health." He was also a special guest speaker on a radio show in England entitled "Life Conversations," hosted by talk show host Ombassa. Ahimki has been featured in the Atlanta Tribune, Oracle, Aquarius and essence magazines.
In January of 2012, Mark Armstrong successfully completed the Floating Monk Teacher Training Program, earning the title of Sifu Mark Armstrong. Sifu Mark was trained by Sifu Jeff who is an Enter the Gate Disciple of Grand Master Henry Poo Yee certified in Black Sash Sifu in Qigong and Kung Fu.